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Folded Books - Meet the “New” Student Poster and Virtual-Slides Replacement That Helps You to Boost Engagement and Foster Community

With the halt to in-person conferences since COVID-19, student posters and slides-driven presentations went virtual -- and lost more than a little of their luster. For this session, Matt Griffin will be advocating for something unusual to take the place of these common practices: folded paper techniques for creating easy to execute / easy to disseminate, hand-made books that are as charming a means to encapsulate knowledge as they are fun to handle and explore. Matt’s core argument is that when you find the right sweet spot between a book design that is easy enough than someone else can execute it, and also clever enough to be fun to manipulate and cherish as an artifact, then you offer a memorable experience that can be as impactful and represent as much thinking and preparation as a poster. But creators and readers both will hesitate to chunk them into the trash as too often happens after a posters session.

The session consists of these three segments:

  • Lecture - A brief introduction to folded books techniques and history

  • Demonstration - A few simple folding/book building techniques you can deploy immediately

  • Discussion - I will showcase a few example fold books and folding techniques examples to inspire and challenge you, and will invite attendees to share ideas and mockups for how they might apply this in their classes.

Matt will make available a number of ready-to-print documents you can bring to the session. All you need are these print-outs, a bone or teflon folder (or ruler), scissors, and a table to work on. For bonus points, bring #10 envelopes, sheets of cardstock, and some other goodies from a resource list to be shared ahead of the session to attendees. Associated with the session will be threads in the Construct3D community where educators can post their questions and share their original designs with each other -- including resources such as the materials recommendations.

Matt Griffin is the host and producer of the Talking Additive podcast, and the Global Webinar series for Ultimaker, where he is the Director of Community Development. He is also a co-founder of Construct3D.
