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Inspiring Creativity and Empathy with PrintLab

Are you interested in bringing 3D printing to your classroom but don't know how to get started? Join this session and learn about what PrintLab has to offer. The focus will be on reviewing completed projects by middle school students that were inspired by PrintLab's curriculum. You will receive the perspective of a STEAM specialist who has over 10 years of experience teaching K-8 students and collaborating with other educators. Learn about the skills developed by students and how they felt about their learning experience.

This session is perfect for those just getting started with 3D printing in the classroom and want to incorporate project-based, NGSS standards-aligned 3D design projects or for anyone looking for fresh, impactful ways to elevate student engagement with their current 3D printers.

Steven Jones
Steven Jones is an Instructional Technology Coordinator in the DC Metro Area, a STEAM specialist, AI advocate, and MaterHackers Education Ambassador. Using his own curriculum, he has taught a variety of STEAM classes over the years and all of his students have participated in authentic learning experiences involving CAD, 3D printing, designing for accessibility, and artificial intelligence. He is a former ISTE STEM Co-Chair and recently led a large group of educators across the globe as a Goals Project Facilitator where teachers and students collaborated on ways to take action and create solutions to improve the world. Steven is excited to share his skills, collaborate with educators, and grow his PLN.

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